Saturday, December 3, 2011


well i washed my hair and i loved it but i forgot to take pictures lol oopsiee! its so pretty when no product is added to it but leave in and sum grease! i love how soft it is and how curly it is! i just recently got a mo hawk like last night and i love it! its braided into a hawk tho not like pushed back. i plan on keeping this for about 2 weeks or a week at the most and getting the braids redone every 2 weeks. I just wish i knew how to braid my own hair! I'm happy with my length now as is. I'm not rushing growth at all anymore because after seeing my hair now i LOVE it !! i'll try to learn to braid sometime soon so my aunt wont have to keep doing it every 2 weeks. i feel bad for asking her lol but shes a sweet heart! love her til death! but ummmmm yeah here are some pics =) enjoy

its not combed out all the way because it got wet from the rain and it shrunk =/ ugh but hey i still like it !
~besitos !

Thursday, December 1, 2011

i changed my mind !!!

ok guys so i took my sew in out ! =) it was in for a month and 4 days... i missed my hair sooo much! i havent washed it yet because im scared so i'll wait until my mama gets home but here is the growth

im so happy that it grew!!! i missed my hair very much !!! im glad i took that sew in out man it was itchy! it feels sooo good to scratch my head ahhhhh! I'll post pics of my coils after i wash it! until then ... toodles

Sunday, November 27, 2011


ok guys so i decided to go on a fruit and water diet to clean my system.. more of a fast really because id like to get closer to God and receive some things.
  I also want my hair to grow some more. I'm taking multi vitamins too with the fast/diet. im going to do this starting Thursday December 1st-December 23rd. 
 After that there is another fast i'll be doing in January for the new year! I'll be posting along the way! wish me luck =)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

protective style pt. 2

So I've decided to leave this bohemian hair in up until about the 24th of December. That's my 6th month anniversary btw but im leaving it in because i want to keep it for 2 months.. i mite as well because to me taking it out december 18th or 9th is pointless when i can just keep it until the 21st-24th ish. my hair is really growing! i cant wait to take it out and wash it!!! then color it too because my hair color is at the tips and i dont like it that much .. i look like someone with dreads that just colored their tips.. eww... not cute.. but it is growing! i can put the front in a pony tail..(the front was left out so my edges dont thin from the pulling) and i can use the baby rollers on my hair now!! the yellow ones!! omg! i was excited as you can see lol ! I just have to go through another 3 weeks which should be easy ! time seems to go by so fast for some reason! school is just flying by! i walk outside every morning and say the same line.. "Jesus its freezing! why is it sooo cold?" and i'll be mad that its cold but i keep forgetting that its november! about to be december. my mind is still stuck in August its definitely not in November right now.. gosh time flies! well im about done with the chatter ! HAPPY THANKS GIVING EVERYONE =)

~BESOS! <3

Monday, November 14, 2011


i wanna cut my hair again =( why ? because of this

it was sooo cute! i loved my hair being short! i loved jumping in the shower and co washing it every single day! this was at about 2 months natural maybe even 1 month.. i loved my baby curls.. right now im about to be 5 months natural in a few days and im in the in between stage.. i have no clue what to do with my hair after i take this weave out! i just want to keep getting weaves but i love my hair way too much to just keep it hidden.. i might get one more weave in january but i doubt it.. i miss my hair !!! i just have 3 more weeks until i can take this out ! im going for December 9th (my little sisters bday) =) im just gonna leave my hair be and let it grow on its own without help of weaves because all im gonna do is whine because i miss my hair lol i just cant wait until the summer time.. i need to learn how to french braid because i would braid my hair every night .. welp ... i'll learn but until nextime (december 9th) i'll try to post pics up of when my hair comes down .. i hope i get good growth if not then im not trippin cus hair grows anyway well adios mis amorcitos!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I MISS MY HAIR! I cant take it anymore ! i miss my curls sooo much that i want the month to hurry up and end so i can take this out of my head! it'll be a whole month of hiding my babies in 9 days... not so bad ... i hope i can last ! i only got this so i can give my hair a break and get some length but hell, i cant do it anymore ! i wonder how much new growth is in here now for it to be left alone for almost a month... hmmmmmm...maybe if i just dont think about it i'll be fine.. my goal is to go all the way until the middle of December but idk.. i'll figure it out ! oh and btw ITS MY BROTHER BDAY =) HES 18 ! wow how time flies !
                                           besos =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

my protective style

Hey guys ! i finally have my protective style =) ! i have my first sew in ever lol

Ive been stopped every where i go. people ask "omg are those your curls?!" i always say yes lol hey what they dont know wont hurt them! but of course everyone at school knows that its not mine but who cares lol it looks like mine.. i went trick or treating with my baby sister and a lady that was giving out candy called her husband out side and said "HAROLD come have a look at this young lady's hair!" and he came out and said "gorgeous! just gorgeous!" i just smiled and said thank you =) and walked away with my candy leaving them standing staring after me. i'm gonna be sad to take this out but i miss my real curls :( it is true about what they say huh? time away from things really makes you appreciate it because i really miss my hair =( but atleast it'll grow alot in the next month. I'm planning to leave this in until about December 21st but i dont know how much more i can take! it itches like hell! but i do oil it and it feels better... it looks good still but underneath everything is loose! the net is because i was digging in my head but the braids are fine. i think i can make it all the way to december.. i just have to really work on maintaining this hair because if i dont then its definitely coming out in November lol I've never had a sew in before so i dont really know how to take care of it.. i guess i have to learn if i want to keep it until the end of december..i'm going to have to get a touch up in a few weeks though. 
    I think i'm going to keep getting sew ins.. I want a straight one next time.. but before i get another one i'm going to just get some french braids for a few months then get a sew in.. When this first one comes out i'm going to just wear my hair out for a few weeks then get some braids for winter break because during winter break is when my hair is bound to start lookin rough because imma be at home forever lol. So thats what i'll do! i'll either get my bestfriend or my boyfriends sister to braid it for me idk yet. preferably my bestfriend because i see her alot .. i just dont want to endanger my hair with the cold... cus i know how it can get ! well pray for me lol 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

3 months today

happy 3 month anniversary to my natural hair =) yay! roxie is her name lol but yes shes 3 months old and growing like a weed! I got it straightened today for my homecoming dance ! its long enough to where it looks like a halle berry cut and only at 3 months! i know people whose hair cant do that yet and they are at 3 months so im kind of excited lol cant wait til 6 months =) but i have to go get a trim soon =((( not wanting that but i have to so my hair can grow "faster" but i hope my hair isnt a curly mess by the end of this night ! lord help me and roxie get through this lol well bye bye peeps i'll post after the dance!


Sunday, September 11, 2011


ok so i was looking at past photos of when i first got my hair cut and its really growing! sometimes it seems like its not going anywhere. that its just still the same as it was when i first cut my hair but its not! it grew alot! well that is all i just wanted to share that lol 

2 months natural

well i decided to post some pictures of my hair at 2 months ! this is a twist out i did wet with some kinky curly pudding. I sat under the dryer for 10 minutes then went to sleep. this is what it looks like

i love my hair! its so soft and curly . i have alot of different textures. I have 3b/3c/4a mainly 3c but there are other textures mixed in there! hope you enjoy these pics! i cant wait for 6 months of hair growth. waiting for 12.24.11 i hope it gets longer by then! well i hope you like my pictures but if you dont thats cool cus i like em! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I've really been missing in action lately ladies and gentlemen ... im so sorry! its just that I've been so busy with cheer leading and school. My hair is growing ! i can grab the back and put it in a tiny pony tail ! i can do the sides too but not the top just yet. its slower to grow than the rest of my hair.. My hair loves oils and creams too. when I leave in a condish for a while my hair is so defined and pretty! For right now I just use a leave in conditioner that i made by myself. Which is just suave naturals strawberry condish and some water in a spray bottle. I started using this because my hair loves water and a regular leave in doesnt have the extra moisture. I use to co wash everyday but now since its getting cooler out side im just gonna start co washing at night every other night and spritz in the morning because its too cold to walk out with a wet head in the fall/ winter. I'm in love with my hair tho! I've gotten sooo many complements from teachers and people period. I was cheering at a foot ball game and a lady told me I was so brave and original for cutting my hair and especially since im in cheer. ( please excuse the grammatical errors. its midnight here and im tired so i dont care lol) but any way...... oh yeah! the lady was just like " i love your hair you look so cute in the air i watch you every time you cheer" that part creep-ed me out but the rest was sweet lol . I cant wait until december. if i can grab my hair at 2 months and if the curls are falling down and swirly (idk) lol then i cant wait until 6 months =) i'll catch you guys later! night !   

Thursday, August 11, 2011

1.5 month natural

hello lovelies! i missed blogging! ive been sooooo busy with a lot of things i havent been able to post!!! but umm yeah i am almost 2 months natural and my hair is doing pretty well! right now im wearing two strand twists and going to take them out tomorrow morning . these are my 1st so i hope they turn out right! I really cant wait for my hair to grow so i can do more with it but im not getting bored with my hair at all! i actually like co washing it every morning and making it all nice and fresh! love it actually im actually excited to get up every morning and do my hair. I havent gotten a really good regimen yet other than co wash with suave ocean breeze conditioner (let sit for 10 minutes) defines my curls good when it sits, put in a motions leave in, then just style with a teeny weeny bit of eco styler gel. When i say style i mean get some gel and rake it through my soaked hair. at night before bed i put in some evoo and my satin bonnet and go to bed and in the AM i do it all over again. I love my hair and have recently inspired my cousin and many others to go natural! people who havent seen me in a long time and havent seen me with my hair cut at all have stopped and stared. they always say "you are so gorgeous! not alot of people can do that! you need to model!" lol im like that you! and i smile really big! i cant wait til my hair grows though! I have discovered that I am a 3c i love mis rizos! like i said i have to find a regimen that sticks but its gonna be getting cold soon here in missouri so i have to figure something out ! my hair doesnt like the cold =(. well the next time i'll be posting pictures will be in december when i am 6 months natural ! hopefully it grows like i want it! well thats all for now! see ya peeps

Friday, June 24, 2011

my life since my Big Chop

 Life has been great guys if you wanna know! So i learned that my big chop wasnt my big chop because there were relaxed ends EVERYWHERE! I wasn't happy so I had my mother chop the relaxed ends off today and it took her 3 hours and 45 minutes! Its so much better now! nothing sticking up its all curly and lays down! I need something so it doesnt look so dry though!! do you use anything to help it look shiny or not so dry? comment and let me know please! Right now I'm using some curl enhancing smoothie

 and some curls up serum cream for now to make my hair curlier ! and some spary in leave in conditioner its my baby sisters because her hair is natural so i use it and it makes my hair curl up fast! i love it!!! but as i was saying, heres my real big chop ! I'm in love with it!! I'll take more pictures as time goes by to show progress but it'll be on my other blog because thats my hair blog and makeup and stuff so ya! check it out for me =) tell me what you think ! GRACIA ! TE AMO! Y BESOS PARA TI!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Okaie so I cut my hair today right? I just got a text from my EX boyfriend saying hes not gonna talk to me for 5 days.... then asked me if i knew why and i said because i cut my hair... I told him it can be longer than 5 days because I love my hair and idc what he thinks! idc what anybody thinks because its my head. Then he said Good i hope your hair loves you back! and i said it does now goodbye! and i didnt get a text back. I'm not hurt. I actually feel good because I always use to care what he thought. but now, i could care less! he can kick rocks for all i care! I think im beautiful and thats all that matters. You're probably thinking why i still talk to my ex. well, while we were together he asked me if we could be friends even after we broke up and i said yes. well right now hes not being a "friend" so i just told him bye! im use to not texting him for days on end anyway! hes so selfish too! if he sees me talking to another boy he'll start talking to me again. wow is all i have to say! well toodles ! besos! love you all!

I DID IT !!!

I LOVE MY HAIR! it looks kinky but thats just because you cant see the curls! im mad about that because i dont have nappy hair! its wavy and curly but its all good! IM FREE

this pic is weird but i love my eyes!


I go to the salon in less than 2 hours guys!!! Its so unreal because im getting my hair cut OFF! I didn't get to bed until 5am last night idk why it is but when it gets around 5am my body wants to finally sleep! huh! but any how.... ummmm I'll post pictures when i get home or something.. cant wait super duper excited ! =) WISH ME LUCK!


WHEN WILL THE INSOMNIA END!!!!! IM SOOOOO SLEEPY BUT MY BODY WONT LET ME SLEEEEEEPPPPP =(!!!! GOD I CANT WAIT UNTIL LATER ON TODAY! i gotta wake up at 7am to get there  @ 9am ... I'm gonna get fully dressed and do my makeup so i wont look like a bum! I cant believe i cant sleep tho. I only have 7 or so hours before the BC!!!! mad excited ! If im up at 5 again i'll post if not then goodnite lol BESOS! TOODLES

Friday, June 17, 2011

I gotta find an alter ego name for when I get my hair cut ! I guess its like a baby being born. you gotta see what the baby looks like to find the perfect name. So I guess thats what i'll do .. I love Nijah like nia long but I gotta see what i look like first! wish me luck! 10 hours until the BC lord Jesus! But when i get my hair cut you guys can name me and tell me what I look like. I would enjoy some help =) If i cant figure out what imma look like i'll ask for sum help.. My mama thinks im silly lol I just gotta make this perfect you know? im just that excited! also just so you know, I NAME EVERYTHING! so this is a must for me..well the "baby" will be born tomorrow. hopefully she wont be deformed or anything.. I'll try to name her. this is like a stage name for me but not really you know? oh by the way I WONT be awake until 6 am this time! =) gotta get up EARLY like at 7. I gotta put on clothes and do my makeup so when she cuts my hair i wont look like a bum lol! I'll go to bed at about 1 or 2 because im just now eating dinner.. If i absolutely cannot sleep then i'll make a little post to entertain y'll or sumthn.. I dont see why i would be up anyway because i organized all my stuff anyway.. I'm gonna take a few clips and things to the salon so I can put them in after I get it cut. My mom knows what shes looking for and will get my hair cut like she wants which is always cute! love you mommy! but umm yeah after we get done i'm gonna ask her to take me to the store to get some products for my hair like eco styling gel and some kinky curly custard or what ever that stuff is to make my hair curlier.... good bye hair .. i mean its not like i'll miss you forreal because i cut you before so the pain of losing you is gone! ... bye byeee
~toodles! besos!


okaie i'm getting more and more nervous and anxious about this BC thing! Not saying that I don't want to do it but there are a lot of things running through my mind like HOW WILL IT LOOK! I don't want it to be ugly is all im sayin! If its ugly then I'll die and my mama said shes not gettin me nuthn to cover it up! see my hair doesn't do like black peoples and curl real tight. My hair is like the man in this picture (my papi =) ) Wavy and curly because im mixed with black too. I don't really know what to expect! if its ugly i think im gonna consider suicide! (JOKING!) but Im GOING to cry if i look ugly ! If its ugly just know that NO pictures will be posted lol! well i just got interrupted by my mama taking pictures of my new growth! its soooo beautiful! i love it already omg! im defff. gonna rock this! well time to wash my hair ! bye byeee ! no worries


yes ello chaps! this is my british accent yes i know its lovely! Oh where are my manners! How are you guys? Thats good ! lol (hope im not talking to my self here!) BTW i did go to sleep last night but @ 5:30AM! I woke up at 1pm ! Almost 8 hours of sleep right? But I HAVE to take pictures of my progress last night! I'll take them tomorrow as well as my BC tomorrow too (God be with me). My mother tried to make me back out of the BC today and showed me this and was like "you can do this instead of the BC!" I was like I know what I can do but I WANT to do this mom. It's a goal of mine! and she was mad lol. Mad because I WANT to BC and not grow my hair out. To me I think that growing hair out takes too long and if you just cut it off and get it over with then it'll grow faster in my opinion. This is off subject but I use !!!!! alot! lol see. Thats because I express my self lol. I just think periods are BORING! but anyway, BC tomorrow lovelies =)! can't wait!!!!!!!! I'll check in later
~toodles! BESOS!

excited !

I told you you'd be hearing from me again lol! Right now I'm up getting everything prepared for tomorrow morning. I'm fixing my drawers like putting clothes that I ADORE in places and stuff like that. Then I got all my dressy shoes together and put them on a rack and put my favorite tennis shoes in a bin (organized) lol ! crazy huh? Idk why I'm up doing this but I'm up! right now im currently working on my accessory collection! I'm working with ribbons and bracelets right now sorting them out. Good Lord help me because i'm not even tired! I even co-washed my hair at 3 am and i can feel all my curlies =) omg i love what God gave me ! idk why i used the creamy crack (perm) but anywho, I'm just ranting on about nothing i guess! Gotta get back to sorting my accessories and getting the right natural makeup so I can look lovely with my cut saturday morning! =). Hmmmm i was gonna say one more thing but i forgot.... so for the time being i'm gonna go sort my stuff out! next is belts then skirts, jeans, then scarfs! I'll be up for a good hour! I'll post when I wake up to let you know how all of my sorting went ! I'll try to take pics if I dont fall asleep first! (there are alot of errors and red squiggly lines under my words right now) who cares because its 4:31 am! well I'll do what i can to show you my progress of sorting lol 

Thursday, June 16, 2011


omg guys! I'm going to BC this saturday! I'm so excited because I'm going to be free of relaxers and my hair is going to be so pretty! I get to just grow it all back out by my senior year in high school in 3 years! It should be long by then right? Unfortunately, I'll have my hair short during the school year. I realllyyy don't have time for neg. feed back which will definitely get because haters hate. I'm also a cheer leader and IDK what to do when I get it cut! I can't hide from my squad. I really don't know what to do about this..... Cheer is whats worrying me the most on top of school because people always have something to say. I have the support of my best friends and my mom of course. I don't know how I'll look but I'm going for it! It shouldn't be too bad! I'm soooooo excited tho! I think I'm too excited though because I probably won't be able to sleep tonight or tomorrow night so be expecting a post from me! I know that I made a goal to grow my hair out but at this point idgaf I'm gonna cut it all off! OMGGGG IM SUPER EXCITED! I have forever to wait on it to grow. I just loveee my curly hair I don't care if its short ! May God be with me during the days leading up to cutting my hair and may God stop me from hurting somebody if they have something to say about my curls! May God be with me when I walk into cheer practice Monday. And may God especially be with me when I walk into church Sunday morning! AMEN

we love it ! check it out

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

more about hair

I've been thinking a lot about my hair again guys and I'm going to go ahead and try to BC on my birthday next year. That is next October! I've already been transitioning for 3 months already and this October will be 7 months. I really need encouragement on this because a year and a half is a long way and when I see those permed ends I'll probably want to go insane! I want to BC on my birthday this October really bad! Idk what to do! That's all for right now though. I just had to write about that before I went nuts!! I really don't know what I should do. PLEASE PLEASE leave comments as to what you think! Would it be worth the wait to just wait until October of 2012 or just get it over with and cut it this October 2011? Let me know what you think PLEASEEE

Thursday, June 9, 2011

let's get down to business shall we

My business is MINE and nobody else's so why do people feel the need to be in MY business? I just don't understand it. Why do I matter to you so much that you have to know my every action and everything that I do. If you're not my parent then why do I concern you? It's like, why am I the topic of conversation? Honestly, who cares? I've come to learn that I just dgaf what people say or think. Haters are funny to me! You're just mad because you can't be me so you go around saying things about me......Yeaahhhh that really looks good on your end and will get you every where! NOT! Losers are what you are! But thanks to all of my haters because they push me to move forward. All of the negative talk is just fueling my fire so keep it coming! It's just confusing though. Why do I seem to interest you enough for you to just go spreading rumors about me? It really just blows my mind. Well what ever because I have a new mentality.....How about this..... Something that will work for us all =).... I don't give a rat's a$$ about what you say about me or think. I'm done trying to please people! This will work for us both because if I ignore you It'll make you more upset and more upset means more negativity which pushes me forward! So to all my haters who spread rumors and say I can't get any where in life, this is for you... =) smiles!

Friday, June 3, 2011

my goal

Hello my beautiful people! We're talking about goals in my health class and one of the things required to achieve that goal is to tell others so you have to stick to your word. So lovelies, I'm going to share my goal with you all if that's okay. I want to grow my natural hair back without getting relaxers. My hair is naturally a curly wavy texture and it grows very fast. I've have a relaxer since 2005 and I loved it at first. Now I just want to go back to my normal hair. I'm tired of relaxers because they are a hassle on my hair and I'm just tired of chemicals. I haven't had a relaxer so far since April (2 months ago) so my new growth is just a little bit right now but I feel curls when I attempt to run my fingers through my hair. I don't want to do the big chop until I have at least 6months- a year of new growth in my hair. I want to keep getting either braids something so I can mix the two hair textures without problems. This is going to take a while but I'm willing to do this for me. I want to do this to prove to myself that I CAN do something that doesn't involve sports or singing. This is a long term goal so I'll give it a reasonable time frame. I want to post pictures of what my hair looks like through out the process but I don't feel the need. When I get my braces off is when I'll cut my hair which is around February and or March. I'm ready to do this! Once my hair grows out and my braces come off, I can start my career as a model my junior year in high school =). SO EXCITED

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

exercise then and now

I was at cheer practice today and we were doing jumping jacks. I thought to my self, "jumping jacks have never felt like this before!". When we were little jumping jacks were the fun exercise just to jump up and down and have some fun. But, today I was really feeling the burn! Bicycles were never a problem either. I enjoy them still even today but they hurt lol! Maybe its because when we were little or when I was little I just did them for the fun and wasn't really trying to get in shape. I was a fireball as a child and had a lot of energy so I used it on exercise. I'm still a little stunned that jumping jacks ACTUALLY hurt today! Its really really weird because they never made my thighs feel like someone poured gasoline on them, lit a match, and then threw the match on my thighs to just watch them burn. I've always heard, "if it hurts then you must be doing it right". Is that true???? Hmmm well I don't know but what I do know is that jumping jacks aren't supposed to hurt to the point that my favorite childhood exercise is my not so favorite anymore. Hmmmm deep in thought about this lol.. I'm deep in thought about this small little thing which is the norm for me anyway! Well, I'm gonna go think about this here issue and catch you guys later =) adios

Monday, May 30, 2011

whats with America and Race!

Why is America so stuck on race? Not in a racist way but in a way that is actually kind of funny! You have to answer what race you are to get a job ( like it really matters) and friends ask you if you're mixed with anything if you have good hair or pretty eyes. Can the persons hair not be pretty? Why does he/she have to be mixed with something to have good hair? I know full African-Americans who have very pretty hair and aren't mixed with anything. It's like in this country there has to be a race battle or something. At my school the other day I was arguing with this boy because he asked me " do you speak Mexican? Wow black people speak Mexican?". Well that bothered me in two ways. First of all Mexican isn't a language, its Spanish! Second of all black people speaking Mexican? Just because a person is darker than you doesn't mean he's black. Just like if a person has really light skin doesn't make them white. My great grand mother is Dominican and she looks white. My whole half of that side looks white. My uncle Junior on the other hand is darker and hes not black. Yes he has African roots, most of the Caribbean does anyway. Not everybody is one race! The black people speaking Spanish thing just bothered me a lot. I'm mixed with Dominican and African-American and I don't claim one side more than the other. I might represent DR but I don't disown my black side thats just not me. Sometimes I wish I could be full Dominican though but whats the fun in that? Two races are better than one I always say! Dominicans are strong people and so are African-Americans. I'm just blessed to be apart of them both. I speak Spanish and English both and when I spoke spanish to that boy and he said that it kind of pissed me off because there is more than just black and white America! It's sad that when people move from other countries to here they have to get put into the "you're black and you're white" category. People come here for a better life and they have to come deal with the black and white thing. Why can't we just be one race. The HUMAN race maybe? I don't understand! America was founded by immigrants so why is race an issue? We were all made by God! The sun baked some people a little more than others so their skin is darker thats all. We need to get it together with the race thing. Thats all I'm saying here. Thanks for reading :) my thoughts on things! Leave comments please let me know what you think!